V. Sachs Rosenthal (now called Rosental) 9, Munich, Bavaria
(Close neighbours to the Brüder Thannhauser at 10 Rosenthal).
Keramikwarenhandel. / Ceramics Wholesaler.
From a newspaper advertisement dated 1887. Translation: New! Original! Useful!Legally 1/2 L. Protected. Alpine SteinStoneware stein according to adjacent antique drawings, available at 5 Marks. each with cash on delivery, includes packingV. Sachs, Rosenthal 9, Munich.Manufactured by Merkelbach & Wick?
Beiblatt der Fliegenden Blätter, Nr. 2183, Erstes Blatt, LXXXVI. Band (86th volume);München, den 29. Mai 1887 Translation: New! Original! Useful!Legally 1/2 L. Protected. Alpine SteinStoneware stein according to adjacent antique drawings, available at 5 Marks. each with cash on delivery, includes packingV. Sachs, Rosenthal 9, Munich.Manufactured by Merkelbach & Wick?