Brüder / Gebrüder (Josef & Albert) Thannhauser. München.
Rosenthal (now called Rosental) 16, then Kaufingerstraße 16, then 7, Munich. Bavaria.
Kunstzinngußwaarenfabrik & Malerei / Artistic Pewterware Manufacture & Decorators.
The origins of the Thannhauser family came from the town of Thannhausen in Swabia. The Jews were expelled from there circa 1717-1718 and the family settled in the tiny village of Mönchsdeggingen, also in Swabia (now Bavaria). After 1813 Jews were required to adopt a surname, so the family chose the name Thannhauser. Some generations on, and Abraham, Josef's and Albert's father, by 1874, had settled in Corneliusstraße 19, Munich, listing himself as a man of independent means. The company was founded at Rosenthal (now called Rosental) 16 in 1882 by Josef (b. 28th January 1856) and his half brother Albert (b. 18th June 1861). Josef married Charlotte Langermann on the 16th August 1884, and they had a son Siegfried Joseph (b. 28th June 1885). In turn Albert married Charlotte's sister, Carolina, on the 26th December 1887, and they had two daughters, Josephine and Bella. In 1895 the company opened another branch at Kaufingerstraße 16, 350 metres up the road. Sometime after 1897 they closed Rosenthal 16. By 1900 they had occupied Kaufingerstraße 7, which was adjacent to the prestigious central square of Munich, the Marienplatz. Josef controlled the business with Albert managing sales. This was widely recognised, and Josef is believed to have been awarded the title of Kommerzienrat, which was a businessman of distinction in the community. Josef was also a keen collector of Faience steins, some of which still remain in the family. Albert died on the 23rd January 1916. Soon after, according to family lore, Josef sold the company to the Bavarian government, because he did not wish to convert the business into a bullet moulding company. He thought that it was the Prussian's war and nothing to do with Bavaria. At this point he became head of the Red Cross in Munich, the position he held until his death on the 28th January 1917. His wife Charlotte passed on in 1933. Then in 1935 Siegfried, his wife Franziska and three daughters, left Germany for the United States. Albert's wife Carolina and daughter Josephine unfortunately died in Germany in 1942 and 1943 respectively. Bella emigrated to what is now Israel.
Purchased stein bodies from: Merkelbach & Wick, R.Merkelbach, Marzi & Remy Theresienthaler Cristallglasfabrik C.G. Schierholz
Supplied amongst others: Eduard Rau and Karl Schüssel, both at Kaufingerstraße 9.
The following designers either designed the pottery for Brüder Thannhauser, or put their decoration on standard pieces:
Adolf Hengler Ludwig Hohlwein Franz Ringer Theodor Schmidt Emanuel von Seidl Toni Aron C.V.
References: Thannhauser Family History Josef Solomon Thannhauser Josef Thannhauser Digital Bibliothek Adressbuch München 1874

This advertisement appeared in the Oktoberfest Programme and News, dated 1895. Brüder Thannhauser - MünchenKunstzinngußwaarenfabrik & Malerei Glas- & Porzellanwaarenfabriksniederlage16 Kaufingerstrasse 16Größte Auswahl in geeigniten Andenken an MünchenSpezialität: Münchener Bierseidel und beschlagene BierkrügeNeuheit: Zur Errinnerung an der glorreichen Kriegsjahre 1870-1871:Der blaue Teufel (laut nebenstehendem Gliché) -M. 5.--Brothers Thannhauser - MunichArt pewter ware factory and paintersGlass and Porcelain Ware factory and warehouse16 Kaufingerstrasse 16Largest choice of suitable remembrances of MunichSpecialty: Munich Beer Steins and mounted beer steinsNovelty: In remembrance of the glorious war years 1870-1871:The Blue Devils (as in the neighbouring representation) - 5.- marks.

Above advertisement was published in the Oktoberfest-Zeitung of 1905. Note Kaufingerstraße 7, address at that point.

Cast mark on lid on "Offizieller Festkrug" 100th Anniversary Octoberfest stein 1810 - 1910, by Franz Ringer.

Cast Pewter mark, Brüder Thannhauser, München dated 1910.

Cast Pewter mark, Brüder Thannhauser. Zinngusswaarenfabr. München.

Cast Pewter mark, Brüder Thannhauser, München

Taken from the Glas Musterbuch August 1910, showing the octagonal glass stein below.

This octagonal stein is a pressglass version of Marzi & Remy #6116, complete with the identical design of pewter lid, dated 1908, designed by Emanuel von Seidl. The pressglass manufacturer is currently unknown, but it has the moulded Münchner Kindl mark on its base, which identifies it as Brüder Thannhauser. A decagonal stein was supplied by Martin Pauson.

Moulded Münchner Kindl mark on the base of the featured press glass stein above .

Cast Pewter mark B.Th./M on underside of lid on featured pressglass stein, above.

Münchener Bürger-Bräu stein, made for export, with a Zurich, Switzerland capacity mark. The stein body is by Merkelbach & Wick.

Cast mark on the underside of the lid on the above Münchener Bürger-Bräu stein.

Franz Ringer designed graphics on this 1/2 litre stein with red ink stamp ID shown R/H column 3 down.

Josef Solomon Thannhauser (b. 28th January 1856. Munich - d. 28th January 1917. Munich)

Josef Thannhauser (right) and his son Siegfried, photograph taken possibly circa 1910.

Josef Thannhauser (centre) as head of the Red Cross in Munich, visiting his son Siegfried, who was an Oberarzt or Senior Doctor in the Bavarian / German army, and is the taller man immediately right. Picture taken in the Vosges mountains on the Western Front in 1916.

Albert Thannhauser (b. 18th June 1861. Munich - d. 23rd January 1916. Munich)

1 litre Regensberg stein, for export, in the name of Baumbach, Reichel & Co. of Milwaukee, who were a brewery supplies company. This stein was made for company promotional purposes. Manufacturing date was post 1898.

Cast mark on the underside of the lid of the Baumbach, Reichel & Co. of Milwaukee stein immediately above.

Beiblatt der Fliegenden Blätter, Nr. 2205, Erstes Blatt, LXXXVII. Band (87th volume); München, den 30. Oktober 1887 "d'Loni war a net ohni!" Newest, finely painted stoneware stein. Low form with "Old German" fittings, Marks 3.50 Tall form with ornate fittings, Marks 6.0 as shown in the adjacent drawing, solid execution! Shipped by cash on delivery. Packaging free. Brüder Thannhauser, München, Rosenthal 16. (Artwork design by Toni Aron)

Cast Pewter mark, Gebrüder Thannhauser, München.

"Brüder" Touchmark on one side of the shank of pewter lid on a Gruß aus München stein.

1/2 litre Bismarck Radish stein by C.G. Schierholz and modelled by Edmund Haase. Advertisement probably dated between 1895 and 1900. Bismarck=Krug 1/2 Liter höchst originelle Neuheit gesetzlich geschüzt - aus Porzellan mit feinstem Reichszinnbschläge. Preis incl. Verpackung pr. St. M. 4.-. Brüder Thannhauser, München, 16 Kaufingerstraße 16. Detailniederlage. Bismarck = Stein 1/2 Litre best original novelty legally protected (copyrighted) - in porcelain with finest government (quality) pewter fittings. Price including packing per piece 4.- Marks Brothers Thannhauser, Munich 16, Kaufingerstraße 16. Retail Warehouse

Invoice dated 3rd January 1897 and showing the address of Rosenthal 16. (Click to enlarge)

Ink stamp, Brüder Thannhauser, München

Ink stamp (comes in red & black) on a Merkelbach & Wick stein.

Handwritten BTM on a Marzi & Remy black handled stein.

Pewter "Artillery Shell" stein with the Iron Cross of 1914, on body. Dated 1914 - 1916.

Punched mark on the base of the featured "Artillery Shell" stein above. Mark includes Münchner Kindl together with B.T.M.

Official 1906 Munich Beer Festival Stein. Joint supplier with Otto Aigner (Reichenbachstraße 37, 38) also Eduard Rau. (Kaufingerstraße 9)

Decorated Theresienthal glass stein, lidded by Thannhauser. Theresienthaler Cristallglasfabrik Niederlage was situated next door at Kaufingerstraße 9

Cast Pewter mark, Gebrüder Thannhauser, München, as used on the underside of the lid of the Theresienthal glass stein above.

"Thannhauser" touchmark on the other side of the shank of pewter lid on a Gruß aus München stein.