E.R. Thieler
62, 66 Park Place, 35 and 37 West 23rd St., Manhattan, New York City, United States.
Villeroy & Boch - Mettlach's sole representative for distribution throughout U.S.A. & Canada.
The company's first recorded address was 62 Park Place, Manhattan, then in 1909, they moved to 66 Park Place.
By 1922 the company had moved to the more industrial area of 35 and 37 West 23rd St, but still in Manhattan.
They were still Villeroy & Boch distributors, but no magazine advertising of Mettlach ware, has been seen with this later address.
They were however listed as supplying Mettlach ware and other items to jewellers and gift shops, in the Jeweller's Circular, dated 1922.
Known dates 1905 - >1922

Address: 62 Park Place. Click to enlarge. Close enlargement PRIOR to opening another picture!)

Address: 66 C, Park Place. From the October 1909 catalogue. (Click to enlarge. Close enlargement PRIOR to opening another picture!)

Address: 66 Park Place, Desk B. Dated 1909. (Click to enlarge. Click again for scroll bars. Close enlargement PRIOR to opening another picture!)

This is the front cover of a 1909 publication by E. R. Thieler, to celebrate Villeroy & Boch - Mettlach's centennial as a pottery. This booklet is mentioned in all of the advertisements published from 62 and 66 Park Place.
Address: 66 Park Place, Desk 2. (Click to enlarge. Close enlargement PRIOR to opening another picture!)

Address: 66 Park Place, Dept E. (Click to enlarge. Close enlargement PRIOR to opening another picture!)

Address: 35/37 West 23rd St. From the Jeweller's Circular. (Click to enlarge. Close enlargement PRIOR to opening another picture!)

Address: 66 E Park Place. (Click to enlarge. Close enlargement PRIOR to opening another picture!)

Address: 66 Park Place, Desk 2. (Click to enlarge. Close enlargement PRIOR to opening another picture!)

Address: 66 Park Place, Dept. 9I. From the 1911 catalogue (Click to enlarge. Close enlargement PRIOR to opening another picture!)