Albert Rosenhain Leipzigerstraße 72, Berlin, Prussia (now the Federal City State of Berlin).
Keramikwarenhandel. / Ceramics Retailer.
Known dates: 1889
Purchased steins from:
Beiblatt der Fliegenden Blätter, Nr. 2315, Sechstes Blatt, XCI. Band (91st volume)München, den 8. December 1889 Translation: Title: With Music Above lid: By lifting up (it) plays. In handle: Original! Beer steins, plays 2 (musical) pieces, prime quality, 15 Marks each. Newest Music Works (by) "Symphonion". The range of steel note boards has over 1000 musical pieces available to choose from. Each 9, 25, 45, 60 and 124 Marks. Note board (per) piece 50 Pfennig (?). Music boxes from 1.50 - 105 Marks. Newest album with music, each 8.50, 9, 10, 12, 15, 20 Marks. Illustrated Display Catalogue free.