Reed and Barton

Reed and Barton

West Brittania Street and Danforth Street, Taunton, Massachusetts, United States

Silberschmied / Silversmiths

Founded by Henry G. Reed and Charles E. Barton in 1824, and is still owned by the family of Henry Reed.

They merged with Dominic & Haff in 1928.
References: Reed & Barton  Wikipedia  Silver Marks  Year marks

Reed & Barton 1Copper and pewter tankard, basemarked #0506
Reed & Barton 4Basemark on pewter tankard with copper medallion, #0125 featured on the right.
Reed & Barton 3 Basemark on copper and pewter tankard#0506 featured on the left.
Reed & Barton 2Pewter tankard with copper medallion,  base marked #0506, dated 1903.

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