Gustav Adolf Rebestock was born on October 27, 1847 to Christiane Wilhelmine Rebestock in Naumburg (Saale). On February 15, 1876, he opened his pewter business, from his home at Goldschmiedenstraße 15. Eisenach. He married Johanna Maria Huch on August 10, 1878 in Hildesheim. The couple had children, Willy Rebenstock (who became a pewterer) Curt Rebenstock (who became a locksmith), Elisabeth Rebenstock and Frieda Rebenstock (who became plaster makers). In 1881 they moved to a new address at Goldschmiedenstraße 22. On December 13, 1884 he was entered into the civil register of Eisenach. In 1885 he moved to Johannisstraße 5. 1892. On 14 November 1892 he again moved house and premises to Jakobsplan 30. By 1902 his new address was Clemensstraße 15. In 1905 there was a further move to Stolzestraße 9. Johanna Maria Rebenstock died on February 16, 1908. In 1911 the son of Willy Rebenstock reported to the registry office, that his father, Gustav Adolf Rebenstock died on
December 13, 1911. The sons continued to live at Stolzestraße 9, with the daughters at Marienstraße 4.