Fritz Mallet
Erlangen, Bavaria.
Malerei und Zinngießerei / Decorator & Pewterer
Known dates: Fritz Mallet (born 5th July 1899)
Purchased stein bodies from: Merkelbach & Wick

This stein, dated 1896, celebrates the 60th Stiftungsfest (Foundation Celebration) of the Christliche Studentenverbindung (C.St.V) Uttenruthia Erlangen. Founded on 05/03/1836 as a Christian students fraternity, it was the first with a "no fencing" policy. Its members are known as Uhus or Eagle Owls, the colours are Black-Gold-Black, and the motto is: "Frisch, Fromm, Froh, Frei" or " Fresh, Devout, Joyful, Free". It was a founder member of the Wingolfsbund in 1844 and of the Schwarzburgbund in 1887. Finally it was the first fraternity to be reinstated in 1946, after W.W.II, and still exists today. Reference: Uttenruthia C.St.V.Uttenruthia Wikipedia

Cast pewter mark on the stein above, dated 1896, celebrates the 60th Stiftungsfest (Foundation Celebration) of the ChristlicheStudentenverbindung (C.St.V) Uttenruthia Erlangen.

Artist's signature on the base on the Merkelbach & Wick student stein.

Unfinished 3 litre student stein by Merkelbach & Wick

Unfinished student stein by Merkelbach & Wick

Brewery Stein Body, "Reifs-Brauerei Erlangen".

Impressed base mark "Merkelbach & Wick, Grenzhausen".

"F. Mallet, Erlangen"on the underside of pewter lid.

"Reif's Brauerei Erlangen" on Stein lid.