Richard Riemerschmid

Professor Richard Riemerschmid
Munich, Bavaria.
Architekt & Entwerfer / Architect & Designer.

Richard Riemerschmid was the son of  Eduard Riemerschmid (b.1835 - d.1894) and his wife Amalie (b.1839 - d.1897), née Weishaupt. Amalie was the daughter of Carl Martin Weishaupt (b.1802 - d.1864), Court Silversmith in Munich. Richard was born in Munich on the 20th June 1868, He served in the military in 1886/1887 before studying at the Munich Art Academy until 1890. After leaving the Academy, he freelanced as a painter in Munich. He also wrote wrote for the magazine "Die Jugend" (The Youth), from which the word "Jugendstil" (Art Nouveau) derives. He was a co-founder of  the "Vereinigte Werkstätten für Kunst im Handwerk" (United Workshops for Arts in Crafts), formed on the 13th April 1898 and also produced his first furniture designs there. In 1899 he exhibited his designs for a music salon at the Dresden Art Fair. In 1900/01 he built the Schauspielhaus theatre in Munich. In 1902 he was involved in the founding of the Garden City Association. On the 5/6th October 1907 he became a founder member of the "Deutsche Werkbund" (German Work Federation). with Peter Behrens, Peter Bruckmann, Josef Maria Olbrich, Fritz Schumacher, and Hermann Muthesius. From 1907 until 1913 he was in charge of planning the buildings in Dresden-Hellerau, the first German Garden City, including a number of artists' studios and the Deutsche Werkstätten factory building. From 1909 he was also involved in building the Nuremberg Garden City. In 1913 he was appointed director of the Munich Kunstgewerbeschule and from 1925 until 1931 he was the director of the Cologne Werkschulen. In 1927 he designed the radio station building for "Deutsche Stunde in Bayern" and also the interiors of the three broadcasting studios. At the 1928 "Pressa" exhibition in Cologne, he built the pavilion for the Reckendorf publishing house. He was one of the most important exponents of German Jugendstil in his multiple capacities as an interior decorator, furniture designer and architect. He died 13th April 1957 and was buried in Gräfelfing, near Munich.

Designed for: 
Reinhold Merkelbach:(1905 catalogue) #1655(0.5Ltr) #1728(0.5Ltr) #1729(0.5Ltr, 3.5Ltr, 4.5Ltr) #1729g(0.5Ltr) #1734(4.5Ltr)  #1741(0.5Ltr, 1.0Ltr), #1757(0.5Ltr) #1758(3.5Ltr) #1769((3.3Ltr) #1770(0.5Ltr, 2.5Ltr, 4.0Ltr) #2024, #2026, #2033
Steinzeugwerke: #1655, #1728, #1729/brown(0.5, 3.0, 4.5Ltr) #1729/bluegrey(0.5, 3.0, 4.5Ltr), #1729g(0.5, 3.0, 4.5Ltr), #1734, #1741(0.5, 1.0Ltr), #1757, #1758(2.0, 3.5Ltr), #1769/brown(3.0Ltr), #1769/bluegrey(3.0Ltr), #1770/brown(0.5, 2.25, 4.0Ltr), #1770/greyblue(0.5Ltr),  #2021, #2022, #2024, #2025, #2026, #2028  
Villeroy & Boch - Mettlach #2683, #2683/177, #2684, #2684/178 & 227, #2685, #2685/179, #2701/180

Reference: Wikipedia   Riemerschmid   MySteinCollection  Uni-Heidelberg pg. 44  Uni-Heidelberg 2  German Biography

Richard Riemerschmid 1Mould #1728, 0.5Ltr, from 1905 catalogue. in Braun geflammt (Flamed Brown) The pattern remains constant but the colours can vary.
Richard Riemerschmid 4 Reinhold Merkelbach #2033 c/w "Riemerschmid" in San Serif Caps.
Richard Riemerschmid 03 Reinhold Merkelbach #2024  c/w Riemerschmid shown as back to back "R's.
Professor Richard Riemerschmid 18-2-15-1Modern reproduction Reinhold Merkelbach #2026Designed by Professor Richard Riemerschmid, in 1906 in Braun geflammt (Flamed brown) "Gaudeamus Igitur"
Professor Richard Riemerschmid 18-2-15-2 Basemark on modern reproduction (above) Reinhold Merkelbach #2026
Richard Riemerschmid 2 Reinhold Merkelbach #2026, original production.  c/w "Riemerschmid" in San Serif Caps.
Professor Richard Riemerschmid 17-1-25-3Villeroy & Boch - Mettlach 2685, designed under the auspices of the  Vereinigte Werkstätten für Kunst im Handwerk A.G.
Professor Richard Riemerschmid 17-1-25-2Villeroy & Boch - Mettlach 2685, with a poor rendition of their mark.For a good version see:  Vereinigte Werkstätten für Kunst im Handwerk A.G.

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