Th. Graben

Theodor Graben
Stockenstraße 15, Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia
Glas- und Porzellanmalerei. Spezialität: Wappen und Porträts / Glass & porcelain decorator specialising in coats of arms and portraits.
Known dates: Founded in 1868. Known still to have been trading 1908.
Purchased steins from: Reinhold Merkelbach
Reference: Bonn Adressbuch  1902  Other Addressbooks   
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Th. Graben 2Student stein by Reinhold Merkelbach #1741, dated 1908.
Graben 21-6-12-1 Student stein by Reinhold Merkelbach #1741, dated 1908. The Wappen represents the "Corps Hansea" founded on 11/07/1849. The colours of white-red-white are derived from the Hanseatic flags and its Latin motto "Recte facienti nihil timendum!" translates as "Der Rechtschaffene hat nichts zu furchten!" or "The honest have nothing to fear!" The coat of arms contains the motto "Ehre und Recht" meaning "Honour & Justice". The members of the "Corps Hansea", which still exists today, are called "Bonner Hanseaten" or more commonly "Bonner Hansen" or even just "Hansen". References: Corps Hansea  Wikipedia

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