Pest, Budapest, Austro-Hungarian Empire. (now Hungary)
Hersteller / Manufacturer
K.u.K.Hoflieferant. / Supplier to the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Court.
Ignác Fischer, trained at his father's ceramics factory at Tata-Tóváros, then at Mór Fischer's, (a distant relative) Herend factory. He founded his own decorating shop in Pest in 1864 and then branched out in 1867 to manufacture his own award winning ceramics which were very similar to those produced by Vilmos Zsolnay. He was honored by the Austro-Hungarian court and allowed to use the title, von Fischer. Ignác Fischer was still in charge in 1883, but around 1885 his son Emil Fischer started running the business, and the factory's success declined and so eventually became the property of the Zsolnay factory in Pécs around 1895.
Reference: Cleveland Hungarian Museum