Fritz Jung Snr. (Inhaber Adolf Rothhaar)
Marktstraße 80, Landau in der Pfalz. Rhineland-Palatinate
Pfeifenhandlung, Kunstmaler / Tobacco Pipe retailer, Artist-decorator
Known dates: 1899 - 1914. Like all companies in this market they lost their customers when all the troops went to the front in WWI. However Landau was situated in the "Rhineland", which under the Versailles Treaty was a demilitarised zone. Therefore the troops did not return, not at least until 1936, at which time the custom of commissioning this type of stein had mainly been forgotten. The company continued after WWi as a cigarette retailer under the ownership of Paul F. Beck.
Purchased stein bodies from: ?
Reference: Addressbook 1913/4 Addressbook 1932
Right hand view of featured stein. This stein is not signed by F. Jung, However considering he was the only Decorator in Landau, it is fairly certain it was his work.
Another stein showing the signature of Fritz Jung.
Reservist stein dated 1908. 1. Batterei Königliche Bayern 12 Feld Artillery Regiment. Landau 1906 - 1908"Kanonendonner ist unser Gruss"Cannon Thunder is our greeting
` Picture of the 1908 stein above, showing details of the handle & hinge assembly, the Regimental Roster and the rifling engagement grooves for a typical shell.
Left hand view of featured stein. This stein is not signed by F. Jung, However considering he was the only Decorator in Landau, it is fairly certain it was his work.
Another stein dedicated to a soldier in the 3. Fahr. Batr. 5.Bayern Feld Artillerie Regiment. Landau 1897 - 1899.