Walter Magnussen
Munich, Bavaria, then moved to the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, Hagenauer Straße 7,
Künstler & Töpfer / Artist & Potter
Known dates: He was born Hamburg in 1869. He joined Scharvogel Kunsttöpferei München in 1899 and left in 1903.
In 1904 he became a teacher of drawing, ornamental design, anatomy, nude and pottery at the School of Applied Arts Bremen .
He died Bremen in 1946.
Reference: Wikipedia Walt Vogdes

Base of above stein, showing the crane with outstretched wings of Scharvogel Kunsttöpferei, München together with the initials of Walter Magnussen. Made between 1899 - 1903.

The strap support terminates in the form of a cat's paw. This design has only been seen on pieces originating from the Scharvogel studio.

initials of Walter Magnussen, complete with Scharvogel Kunsttöpferei, München mark, on a stein not shown. Made between 1899 - 1903.

Side view of centre stein

Base of above stein, showing the crane with outstretched wings of Scharvogel Kunsttöpferei, München together with the initials of Walter Magnussen. Made between 1899 - 1903.