
Sahm-Merkelbach (GmbH) / Rastal GmbH & Co. KG
Lindenstraße 18, Grenzhausen 4, Hesse-Nassau, Prussia. (now Lindenstraße 12-22, Höhr-Grenzhausen. Rhineland Palatinate.
The company was founded in 1919 by Gustav Eugen Sahm (b.1887- d.22nd Feb.1952) assisted by his brother Gustav Arnold Sahm (b.1871). The company specialised in the purchase and sale of glass, porcelain and stoneware. Eugen Sahm had married Emma Berta Merkelbach, daughter of E.W. Merkelbach, hence the original company name of Sahm-Merkelbach. Their children were Werner (b.1921 - d.11.2.2001) and Gunter (d.1985). In 1931 Gustav Arnold Sahm, left the company and Emma Sahm (nee Merkelbach) and Hedwig Braun, the accountant took greater responsibilities. After Braun left in 1935, Eugen & Emma Sahm formed a limited partnership. 
Painting and pewter was established in 1934, producing painted beer mugs and beer glasses for breweries. With increasing sales in brewery advertising, the workshop expanded. During World War II, production was switched from stoneware to the manufacture of domestic pottery. By 1950/51, production was shifted back to the finishing of stoneware vessels. After the death of Eugene Sahm in 1952, his sons Gunter and Werner took over the company and built it into an international force in glass decoration, which from 1959 operated under the name RASTAL. In 1992, the company was taken over by Werner's son Stefan Sahm and his nephew Raymond Sahm. In 1997 Geisler-Wilfried Sahm was named as managing director. The company is still trading today.
Purchased steins from: Girmscheid, von Schierholz  Franz Stober  Simon Peter Gerz I
Reference: Character Steins  Rastal

Rastal GmbH & Co. KG4The Gooseman of Nuremberg. Manufactured by von Schierholz in 1987. Stein Collectors  Stein Collectors 2
Rastal GmbH & Co. KG 6Ink Stamp on porcelain "Gooseman", dated 1987,  also showing a von Schierholz cross hatch.
Rastal 17-4-28-31959 or before, Hasenbräu, Augsburg brewery stein,
Rastal 17-4-28-2Lid on the featured Hasenbräu stein, above, showing Bavarian coat of arms. 
Rastal 17-4-28-1Basemark on the Hasenbräu stein, above, showing the original company name, dated between 1936 and 1959.
Sahm-Merkelbach (GmbH) 2020-7-16-2Semper Sursum "Always Onwards" Die Burschenschaft Mainfranken
Sahm-Merkelbach (GmbH) 2020-7-16-1  Combined Maker's mark and Capacity mark on the above student stein, dated 1952 - 1959.
Rastal GmbH & Co. KG 12-3-6-2  1985 Oktoberfest 175 anniversary stein, probably made by Franz Stober, with the standard "Rastal in a rectangle" mark ink, stamped on the base.
Rastal GmbH & Co. KG 21-3-6-1 1L impressed mark on 1985 Oktoberfest 175 anniversary stein, probably made by Franz Stober.
Rastal 5 Cast mark on pewter lid on 175th Anniversary of  the Munich October Bierfest stein, dated 1985.
Sahm-Merkelbach (GmbH) / Rastal GmbH & Co. KG 17-3-2-2 Pre 1936 Advertisement - translated. "Immediately.................Available!  Modern and Antique Stoneware Wares Stoneware-storage jars, -warming steins,  -jugs, -steins, -bowls, etc., Terracotta-tubs and Vases.  (Also) at the Market in Leipzig: Nädler-Passage, Grimmalsche Street -Newmarket, II.Ùbergescholl, Booth 232a".
Sahm-Merkelbach (GmbH) / Rastal GmbH & Co. KG 17-3-2-3 Basemark showing the original company name, dated between 1936 and 1959.
Sahm-Merkelbach 19-11-2-1  Combined Maker's mark and Capacity mark on a Pjungstädter Edel Pils brewery stein, made in the early 1950's.
Sahm-Merkelbach (GmbH) / Rastal GmbH & Co. KG 16-9-29-2"Mephistopheles" Attributed to Rastal, in spite of having no Rastal mark, and only the von Schierholz cross hatch.
Sahm-Merkelbach (GmbH) / Rastal GmbH & Co. KG 16-9-29-1Basemark on featured "Mephistopheles" Attributed to Rastal, in spite of having the Rastal mark missing, but showing the von Schierholz cross hatch.
Rastal GmbH & Co. KG 7Ink stamped mark on the Frauenkirche Tower, probably manufactured by von Schierholz in 1976.
Rastal 2 Ink stamp on porcelain, dated 1984.
Rastal GmbH & Co. KG 12-3-13-1 Impressed Rastal / Höhr-Grenzhausen mark, plus ink stamped "Made in Germany", probably dated post 1990.  
Rastal GmbH & Co. KG 11-8-11-1 Rastal ink stamp with Simon Peter Gerz I "Gerzit" ink stamp. 1960 - 1990. Plus paper label "Made in West Germany" 1949 - 1990.
Rastal 1 Ink Stamp on porcelain, dated 1978.
Rastal GmbH & Co. KG 12-3-13-2 Sticky label Rastal, together with impressed  "Made in Germany".

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