H.J.Krebs / I.H. Krebs in 1850

H.J. Krebs / I.H. Krebs
Vallendar & Höhr. Hesse-Nassau, Prussia. (now Vallendar & Höhr-Grenzhausen, Rhineland Palatinate).
Hersteller / Manufacturer
Known dates: Founded 1841 & closed c.1885. Became I.H. Krebs in 1850. Mainly produced 
"gepresste Kännchen" or pressed pots.
Attached pewter lids have been seen with the maker's mark "Klem" on the underside. 
I.H.Krebs's daughter, Maria Josefa, married Reinhold Hanke in 1868.
Reference: Stein Collectors  John McGregor

H.J. Krebs / I.H. Krebs 18-4-16-3Side view of stein featured centre, featuring the three Magi following the star.
H.J.Krebs / I.H. Krebs 2Another impressed mark of Crayfish (Krebs) circa 1850 / 1885.
H.J. Krebs / I.H. Krebs 18-4-16-2The main tableau consista of St Peter delivering Cologne Cathedral, which was finished in 1880.
H.J. Krebs / I.H. Krebs 18-4-16-1Impressed mark of Crayfish (Krebs) on the above stein, circa 1850 / 1885.
H.J.Krebs / I.H. Krebs 3I.H. Krebs "Regensburg type" stein 1850 - 1885
H.J. Krebs / I.H. Krebs 4Impressed mark of Crayfish (Krebs) on the above stein, circa 1850 / 1885.

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