C.E.Wheelock Pottery Co.

C.E. Wheelock Pottery Co.

South Bend Indiana, Peoria Illinois. United States.

Importeur / Importer.

In 1882, George H Wheelock came to South Bend, Indiana and joined in his brother's business. His brother was C E Wheelock. In 1886, George purchased his brother's interest in the business. George Wheelock was a direct importer, and wholesale and retail dealer. He dealt in art pottery, fine china, and high quality cut glassware. The company was also in Peoria by 1888. The company closed in 1909 when Jon H. Roth sold out. 

Imported from both Germany & Austria. 

Steins purchased from: Charles Field Haviland. Marzi & Remy

C.E.Wheelock Pottery Co. 12-10-31-2 Custom import for G.& J.M. Rae of Niagara Falls, New York State, by Wheelock, made by Marzi & Remy, as seen on the base of the featured stein.
C.E.Wheelock Pottery Co. 1
C.E.Wheelock Pottery Co.12-10-31-1Black Handled Marzy & Remy, #?
C.E.Wheelock Pottery Co. 3 Custom import for The Eagleston Shop of Hyannis, Massachusetts, by Wheelock, made by Marzi & Remy.
Wheelock 2 Custom import for a H.C. Roediger of Pasadena, California, by Wheelock, made by Marzi & Remy.
C.E. Wheelock Pottery Co.13-3-27-1 Custom import for a (name illegible) of Monterey, California, by Wheelock.

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