! litre stein by Johann Peter Thewalt.
Impressed JPT together with the ink stamp TH. Schmid basemarks on the above Johann Peter Thewalt stein.
Student stein, decorated at Reifenstuelstraße 10./11.
Featured student stein's lid insert, decorated at Reifenstuelstraße 10/11.
Artist's signature on Merkelbach & Wick stein, dated 1899. Decorated at Dachauerstraße 99.
Transfer and hand painted stein dated 1903.The design was originated by Franz Ringer.
"44. HAUPTVERSAMMLUNG DES VEREINS DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE 1903 MÜNCHEN HB" 44th General meeting of the association of German engineers 1903, Hofbrauhaus München Lid on above featured stein.
Basemark on above featured stein.
Cast mark by Johann Lindner, identical to the one on the underside of the pewter lid of the above featured stein.
Theodor Schmid. Porzellan und Glasmalerei. Reifenstuelstraße 10/11, München. This mark shown on the underside of a set of six identical steins, each fitted with an ornate pewter lid and a pewter pedestal base, but with different tableaux by the same artist.
Ink stamped at Müllerstraße 44
1 litre, Munich Maid mounted on a Ram, stein body by Merkelbach & Wick
Basemarks on 1 litre stein above, Inked signature of artist's name and address at Arndtstraße 1, plus impressed Merkelbach & Wick roundel.
Zur Erinnungen an der 19th Deutschen Malertag. Munchen 1905.To the remembrance of the 19th German painter's day. Munich 1905.
Ink stamped at Müllerstraße 44, as per the stein above.