Adolf Schneider

Anton Schneider

Roßmarkt 10, Oberanger 24, Thalkirchnerstraße 125, Gotzingerstraße 8-12, Munich, Bavaria.

Zinngießerei / Pewterer.

Founded in 1832 as a pewter foundry at Roßmarkt 10, by Anton Schneider, it was active as such up until 1914. He was made a Bayerisch Königlich Hoflieferant / Supplier to the Bavarian King's Court, after manufacturing the pewter coffin of King Ludwig 1 of Bavaria in 1868. After 1914 the pewter foundry was wound down and the company became a kitchen equipment and utensil wholesaler, initially supplying the military, and after that, civilian state institutions, together with hotels and restaurants. The premises were destroyed in WW11, but subsequently rebuilt, after which the company specialised in the supply of glass and porcelain kitchenware. In 1972 Anton Jr. and Albert Schneider took over the management and continued the company as A. Schneider & Co. GmbH. In 1976 the company moved to Oberanger 24, where it stayed until 1984. After this they moved again to Thalkirchnerstraße 125, finally moving one more time to Gotzingerstraße 8-12, from where it still trades, in the design, supply and installation of kitchenware.

Purchased stein bodies from:

Reference: A. Schneider

Anton Schneider 20-11-16-1This mark was found on the underside of a replacement lid, dated between 1976 and 1984. mounted on a Reinhold Hanke #6001 stein body.
Adolf Schneider 2Cast pewterer's mark on the underside of a stein lid, dated between 1976 and 1984.
Adolf Schneider 3Cast pewterer's mark on the underside of the lid on 1/2 litre Löwenbräu brewery stein.     ×      
Anton Schneider 17-1-29-1Pre 1900, 1 litre (Mass) Regensburg, Löwenbräu brewery stein. 
Adolf Schneider 16-8-7-2Pre 1900, 1/2 litre Löwenbräu brewery stein,
Adolf Schneider 16-8-7-3 This lid is fitted both to the 1 litre and the 1/2 litre Löwenbräu brewery steins.
Anton Schneider 17-1-29-2 Cast pewterer's mark on the underside of the lid on 1 litre Löwenbräu brewery stein, centre.

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