Steinzeug-Industrie Coblenz

Hermann-Geisen-Straße 177, Grenzhausen, Hesse-Nassau, Prussia. (now Höhr-Grenzhausen, Rhineland Palatinate).
Steinzeugfabrik / Stoneware manufacturer.
Founded by Georg Steuler (b.12th February 1878 - d.26th March 1952) with his brother in law, Josef Gillig, in Coblenz in 1908 and in Grenzhausen in 1910. By 1927, it was being run by both Georg & Hans Steuler. 
Entered into a stillborn partnership with Johann Übelacker in 1917. 
Purchased the assets of Walter Müller Inhaber Müller & Werner in 1918.
Purchase the moulds of Dr Fritz Hammerschmidt (ex Alfons Wilhelm Lötschert) in 1922
The company is still in business today.
The following designers designed the pottery for Steinzeugwerke, or put their decoration on standard pieces:
Leonhard Hellmuth,  Carl Moos
Reference: Steuler Westerwald adressbuch

Steuler & Co. / Steinzeug-Industrie G.m.b.H. 12-4-22-1 "Schwabenbanner" refers to Swabia, A cultural and linguistic region centred on Württemberg, a semi autonomous kingdom, then state, located in south-west Prussia. Ulm is a city in Baden-Württemberg, which became one of the modern states of Germany on the 25th April 1952. The motto on the lid, dates this stein to May 1933.
Steuler & Co. / Steinzeug-Industrie G.m.b.H.12-4-22-3 StZ/G basemark of featured stein, above.
Steinzeug-Industrie Coblenz 1 Impressed mark StZG for Steinzeug-Industrie Grenzhausen
Steuler & Co. / Steinzeug-Industrie G.m.b.H. 12-4-22-2 Lid on featured stein, left."Üb' Aug und Hand fürs Vaterland!" (Train eye and hand for the Fatherland!) Dated May 1933.
Steinzeug-Industrie G.m.b.H 05 Impressed mark StZG for  Steinzeug-Industrie Grenzcausen.
Steuler & Co. / Steinzeug-Industrie G.m.b.H. 14-10-30-1 A variation on the common StZ/G mark
Steuler & Co. / Steinzeug-Industrie G.m.b.H. 16-4-18-2 The Zither Player. A copy of the Marzi & Remy 10/20L stein #15054 zither player and woman.
Steuler & Co. / Steinzeug-Industrie G.m.b.H. 16-4-18-1 Basemark on The Zither Player stein
Steuler & Co. / Steinzeug-Industrie G.m.b.H.14-1-5-1 A variation on the common StZ/G mark
Steuler Keramik sticker A Steuler Keramik sticker on a 1970's beer stein.

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