P. Pretti

P. Pretti
 Bamberg. Bavaria.
Zinngießerei. / Pewterer.
Known dates: Before 1900 to post W.W.II.
Known for producing lids for brewery steins
Purchased stein bodies from: Marzi & Remy
P. Pretti 16-11-16-3Marzi & Remy plain stoneware 0.5 litre stein,"Brauerei Michaelsberg, Bamberg", c/w pewterer's signature, "P. Pretti, Bamberg".
P. Pretti 16-11-16-2 Pewter lid on the above stein with the beer named "Benedictinerbrau, Michaelsberg".
P. Pretti 16-11-16-1 Cast mark on the underside of the pewter lid above.
P. Pretti 1  A variation of a cast pewter mark  on the underside of a pewter lid.
P. Pretti 16-8-29-3 Wick-Werke #7218, "Gut Holz",  probably dated mid 1950's.
P. Pretti 16-8-29-2 Base marks of featured stein above.
P. Pretti 16-8-29-1 Pewterer's mark on the underside of the lid  on the featured stein above.
P. Pretti 15-3-21-2 Details of a pewter lid on a Marzi & Remy #2751, "Dedicated by an S.S. Sturm (S.S.unit)  12th March 1941, Bamburg"
P. Pretti 15-3-21-1 Pewterer's cast mark on the underside of a pewter lid.
P. Pretti 12-11-14-1Marzi & Remy #14,  showing the drumhorse of a cavalry regiment.  4th Schwadron, Reiter - Regiment 17, Bavarian Army,  originally mustered on the 11th May 1920. 
Pretti 12-11-14-2Marzi & Remy's ubiquitous "Potter's Wheel"  on base of featured stein, above.
Pretti 12-11-14-3 10/20 litre capacity mark, unique to Marzi & Remy, on featured stein.  
Pretti 12-11-14-4 Cast pewter mark on underside of lid of featured stein above.

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