Georg Ritzer

Georg Ritzer (& Professor Franz Widnmann)
Munich, Bavaria
Entwerfer / Designer
Known dates: (b.1872, Munich) Active 1899 - 1914
Georg Ritzer was responsible for the design of the graphic on the stein front only.
Professor Franz Widnmann designed the lid insert.

Purchased steins from: Reinhold Merkelbach
Reference: FranzWidnmann (1910-1911. Kunst und Handwerk. pages 361 - 375)
Georg Ritzer 5Pewter lid assembly with a brass insert, on which the following text is cast, "All Heil" & "Deutscher Rad- Fahrer Bund"The lid insert was designed by Professor Franz Widnmann, (b.1846-d.1910) who taught at the Kunstgewerbeschule, Munich, around this time. Details can be seen in the R. Merkelbach special price list of 1905, pages 18-19.
Georg Ritzer 1Beer stein dedicated to the 16th National Day of the German Cycling Federation in Munich, 1899. The stein graphic was designed by Georg Ritzer, on a 1 litre Mass by Reinhold Merkelbach. Ritzer concentrated on the Munich Kindl essentially reducing it to its outlines. He is therefore at the beginning of a series of artists who, at the beginning of the 20th century, were leaving behind the previous generation and began to treat the Munich Kindl in graphically clear, fresh designs.
Georg Ritzer 4Thumblift showing the twin onion topped towers of the Munich Frauenkirche
Georg Ritzer 2 Cast mark on the underside of the pewter lid of the Cycling stein,  by Brüder Thannhauser

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