Friedrich van Hauten (und Albert Springmann) / (Friedrich) Van Hauten Sohn, Inhaber Fritz van Hauten
Weststraße & Sternstraße 31-32, Bonn am Rhein. North Rhine - Westphalia.
Porzellanmalerei, Glas, Keramik und Porzellanwaren Einzelhandel. / Porcelain Painting, Glass, Ceramic & Porcelain Suppliers
The company was originated by Friedrich van Hauten's father, sometime in the early nineteenth century. However the history of the company really started, when Friedrich purchased 31 & 32 Sternstraße, the factory outlet shop belonging to Franz Joseph Wessel of Ludwig Wessel G.m.b.H, on the 26th July 1851. During the latter half of the nineteenth century, Friedrich took on a partner, named Gustav Albert Springmann. Not much is known about Albert Springmann, other than he was born in Louisenstraße N.1501&1/2 (now 58) Elberfeld - Wuppertal on the 5th October, 1861. Between 1880 and 1890 Friedrich's son, Fritz van Hauten (born 1853) took over the day to day management of the Sternstraße companies, which was in addition to his other duties as owner and manager of the glass and stoneware decorating business, Van Hauten Sohn, based in Westraße, Bonn. On 27th February 1894, Friedrich van Hauten died and Fritz took over the ownership of the companies, whilst retaining the original company names.
By 1896 the Sternstraße companies of Friedrich van Hauten had been appointed: Hoflieferant Seiner Majestät des Kaisers und Königs von Preussen or, Court supplier to his Majesty, the Emperor and King of Prussia. This grand title was bestowed by Kaiser Wilhelm I.
So by 1902, the company structure was as follows:
1. Sternstraße 32: Friedrich van Hauten. Hoflieferant. Commercial art products, luxury and fashion items; speciality - coats of arms decoration.
2. Sternstraße 31: Friedrich van Hauten. Hoflieferant. Glass, crystal and porcelain wares. Stocks of electroplated nickel silver cutlery and Britanniaware, a type of pewter. Artistic lamps of all types. Exclusive distribution of porcelain from both the Königlich Saxon & Meissen factories. Genuine Christofle cutlery at factory prices.
3. Westraße. Van Hauten Sohn (Inhaber Fritz van Hauten). Metal and glassware factory. Faience decoration. This company supplied the Sternstraße companies, with decorated and lidded steins, the bodies of which originated from Villeroy & Boch, Merkelbach & Wick, plus several glass factories.
Incidentally, Fritz's home address is known to have been Thomastraße 20, Bonn, which is a 15 minute walk from Sternstraße.
This company structure worked well until circa 1914, when Fritz at the age of 60 or 61, sold the Sternstraße companies to Maria Grootens Nachfolger Dr. A. Reindel & Sohn.
Fritz van Hauten continued at Weststraße as Van Hauten Sohn, but with his studio's work marked ambiguously, as F van Hauten until at least 1928/9.
He was not listed in the address books in 1930, the year of his death. A branch of W.M.F.Württembergische MetallwarenFabrik now occupies Sternstraße 32.
Purchased stein bodies from: Villeroy & Boch #280, #281, #285, #385, #386,
Merkelbach & Wick.
References: Porcelain Marks & More Adressbuch Bonn Other Addressbooks Sternstraße More Addressbooks

Side panel on featured stein, right,"in fond remembrance Bonn. Summer Semester 1883" Stein dated 28 December 1883.

Opposite Side panel on featured stein, right,"Ernst v. Eÿnern Z! (to) his dear Richard Saber Z!"Bottom left is the graphic denoting FvH of Bonn.

Jugendstil enamelled glass stein, dated circa 1895, with the motif of St George and the Dragon.

Close up the the FvH mark on the glass stein above.

Early FvH mark with no shield.

Monogram for Friedrich van Hauten, on a Villeroy & Boch - Mettlach student stein dated 1880's.

Early ink stamped "FvH-Shield" on Villeroy & Boch #280/5742, dated 1885.

Student Association stein. ATV (Akademischer Turnbund Verein) Kurhessen Marburg, Hesse. Winter Semester 1913/14. Reinhold Merkelbach #2216.

Basemarks of Student Association stein #2216 immediately above. Impressed R. Merkelbach, date range 1909 - 1914. Ink stamped vH for van Hauten.

Early ink stamped FvH-shield on Villeroy & Boch #281.

Ink stamp on Villeroy & Boch #62/8090.

Impressed mark Villeroy & Boch #280/ 7978, plus inkstamp, Friedrich van Hauten.

Student association stein showing the Wappen of the Corps Hansea Bonn. This Villeroy & Boch - Mettlach stein is totally unmarked, including no mould number.

Impressed mark Villeroy & Boch #385, handwritten F.v.H.S, dated 1897; for Friedrich van Hauten Sohn, denoting that Fritz had inherited the company.

Porcelain insert in pewter lid on glass stein, Winter Semester 1895/96.

Underside of featured porcelain lid insert (above) dated Winter Semester 1895/96. Signature F.v.H.S. for Friedrich van Hauten Sohn, denoting that Fritz had inherited the company.

Ink stamp of Imperial Prussian Eagle, presumably to commemorate Hoflieferant status.

Ink stamp "Monument" mark on Villeroy & Boch #280.

Ink stamp "Monument" mark together with impressed Merkelbach & Wick mark.

An early van Hauten stein base showing a myriad of marks including a purposely blotched out mark "VB" for Villeroy & Boch.

Impressed mark Villeroy & Boch #386, dated 1890, v.H.& S. for Friedrich van Hauten & Springmann.

Ink stamped initials on Villeroy & Boch #285, dated 1892, v.H. & S.denoting Friedrich van Hauten & Springmann.

Impressed mark Villeroy & Boch #282 handwritten v.H&S, Bonn, decoration mark 580, dated 1892; denoting Friedrich van Hauten & Springmann.

Mark on an art nouveau pewter cage on a green glass master stein #1722. This mark is as shown in the "Amtlicher Katalog der Industrie- und Gewerbe-Ausstellung Düsseldorf 1902" (Official catalogue of the Industry and Trade Exhibition Düsseldorf 1902", page 159. This catalogue gives just the Weststraße address. Shield on the right is the coat of arms for Bonn.

Ink stamp, on the base of the featured stein left, which includes the crown, presumably indicates that they were awarded: Hoflieferant Seiner Majestät des Kaisers und Königs von Preussen or, Court supplier to his Majesty, the Emperor and King of Prussia. 1883 was during the reign of Kaiser Wilhelm I.

Villeroy & Boch - Mettlach #282, dated 1888, with Munich Maid decoration.

Ink stamp marking on Munich Maid stein, dated 1888, immediately above.

Student stein, dedicated 2nd June 1928. Otherwise unmarked stein, decorated by the company of Fritz van Hauten, of Westraße, Bonn am Rhein.

Artist's signature on featured stein immediately above, dated 1928."F" for Fritz van Hauten.

Alemannia sei's Panier / Einheit hält Macht! Dated Winter Semester 1892

Dedication on the underside of the student association lid insert immediately above. v.H.& S. for Friedrich van Hauten & Springmann.

Decorator's mark on Villeroy & Boch #285; v.H&S denoting Friedrich van Hauten & Springmann.

Impressed mark Villeroy & Boch #280 handwritten v.H&S, Bonn, decoration mark 9473, dated 1892; denoting Friedrich van Hauten & Springmann.

Signature on a glass student stein dated 1902. "F" for Fritz van Hauten.

Very rare paper label, showing Imperial Prussian Eagle, presumably to commemorate Hoflieferant status, beginning 1896. V&B #280 impressed mark underneath

Impressed marks on the base on a pouring dish.