L. Ostermayr

L. Ostermayr

Königsstraße 31-37 (now just 33), Nuremberg. Bavaria.
Kunstgewerbehaus. / Art products shop.
Kaiserlich und Königlich Österreichisch-Ungarischer Hoflieferant / Supplier to the  Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Court. 
Königlich Bayerischer Hoflieferant / Supplier to the Royal Bavarian court
Königlich Rumänischer Hoflieferant / Supplier to the Royal Romanian court
Grossherzoglich Badischer Hoflieferant / Supplier to the court of the Grand Duchy of Baden
Founded by Johann Nepomuk Ostermayr (b.1800 - d.1855) as a glass decoration and retailing company, located at the Fleischbrücke by 1820. The company moved in 1840 to Lorenzerplatz 15 and over the years, expanded either side into numbers 9, 11 & 13 as they became known abroad for their product range of glass, porcelain, household goods, steel, jewellery and leather products. The founder's son, Johann Leonhard Ostermayr (b.1842 - d.1906) continued to develop the business. His sons, Hans and Julius Ostermayr joined the company in 1900, and the business in the three gabled house in the Königstraße continued to expand until the Second World War. Hans Ostermayr died as a major on the Western Front. Julius Ostermayr, rebuilt the business after the war, but died of a tragic accident in the year 1928. His only daughter Marion joined the business, aided by her husband Hermann Schöndube to run the business until in the year 1945 when the house and business were destroyed by bombing. Eventually the premises were rebuilt, and Ostermayr took a small portion on the new building and today are supplying a product range to satisfy their wide customer base.
Steins designed by: Franz Ringer
Purchased stein bodies from: Marzi & Remy, Villeroy & Boch - Mettlach, Merkelbach & Wick, Felsenstein & Mainzer  Ernst Dorfner
 Reference: Character Steins  Ostermayr Passage  Ostermayr Passage - Rear

L. Ostermayr 17-1-18-4This stein (ECS416) is modelled on one of the Nuremberg towers, namely the Frauentorturm, rebuilt to its present form in 1558, to guard the Frauentor (gate). This tower is unique due to its arched windows and round, top window. In 1849 the city wall was opened up close by, and a new gate, the Königstor was built for traffic access to the railway station. Due to essential road widening, the Königstor was demolished in 1892. Because of its proximity to the Königstor, the Frauentorturm was, and still is, often wrongly referred to, as the Königstorturm. Today, the Frauentor has pedestrian access only. This stein was made by Marzi & Remy; #1190.
Kunstgewerbehaus L. Ostermayr occupied 31- 37 Königsstraße, which is the large three gabled building on the right hand side of the street. You can see the church of St. Lorenzkirche at the top of the street. Their relative positions can be seen on the map in the right hand column. (Click to enlarge. N.B. Close enlargement PRIOR to opening another picture!) This scene, circa 1900, was destroyed during WWII. St Lorenzkirche has been restored, but the majority of the street has been rebuilt in the post war style. 
L. Ostermayr 12-9-28-2 Königstrasse 33-37 is now a shopping mall with L.Ostermayr occupying just a small section.
L. Ostermayr12-9-28-1 List of the then current occupants of L. Ostermayr's previous Königstrasse site in March 2011. N.B. The Mall now only consists of Nos.33-37.
L. Ostermayr 17-1-18-3A side view of the Frauerntorturm shown on the left, but also as seen in the advertisement on the right. Manufactured by Marzi & Remy, #1190,  lidded by Felsenstein & Mainzer (who also did their own version) and finally sold by L. Ostermayr.
L. Ostermayr 0015 Comprehensive base marks on the Frauerntorturm stein. Manufactured by Marzi & Remy, #1190, lidded by Felsenstein & Mainzer and finally sold by L. Ostermayr.
L. Ostermayr 18-1-22-3 X. Deutsches Turnfest in Nürnberg 1903.
L. Ostermayr 17-1-25-1 Basemark on the X. Deutsches Turnfest in Nürnberg 1903 stein listed immediately above.
L. Ostermayr 18-1-22-2 Lid on the X. Deutsches Turnfest in Nürnberg 1903 stein listed above. View consists of Kaiserburg imperial Palace at top, together with the Neutorturm on the left.
L. Ostermayr 18-1-22-1 Pewterer's cast mark on the lid on the stein  X. Deutsches Turnfest in Nürnberg 1903, immediately above.  
L. Ostermayr 13  Impressed mark on Villeroy & Boch - Mettlach #1526, dated 1939, "Reichparteitag 1939". 
L. Ostermayr 12-9-14-1 Stein supplied by Ernst Dorfner  and (decorated?) and sold by L.Ostermayr. X. Deutsches Turnfest in Nürnberg 1903.
Front cover of the Ostermayr catalogue, date unknown. (Click to enlarge. N.B. Close enlargement PRIOR to opening another picture!)
Map of Nuremberg city centre, showing the position of L.Ostermayr. (Click to enlarge. N.B. Close enlargement PRIOR to opening another picture!)  .
L. Ostermayr 11-12-18-2 "Brautbecher" (Bridal Beaker) from a design by  F. Heckert, as seen in advert above.There are both male and female versions. Probably made by August Karl Weygang.
L. Ostermayr 11-12-18-1 Vendor's mark on the back of the Bridal Beaker.
L. Ostermayr 11-02 Inside "Teile desKunstsalon" in  L.Ostermayr at 31- 37 Königsstraße.
L. Ostermayr 4 Cast mark on the underside of pewter lid.
L. Ostermayr 13-3-31-1 Unusual circular ink stamp
L. Ostermayr 10 Ink stamp dated 1912 - 1917.
L. Ostermayr 12-4-21-1  Impressed mark on underside of stein.

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